Flynn Quilt Frame Company
Home of the Flynn Multi-Frame SystemAbout Kate Flynn Nichols![](https://media.rainpos.com/4991/200x268_KateNichols_1jpg.jpg)
Kate has been the warm recipient of many of John and Brooke’s early quilts, such as “Kate’s Little Quilt”, “Kate’s Big Quilt”, and “Kate’s No You Can’t Touch It Quilt”. With an art degree, she keeps the lasers humming and the cats purring. Kate can draft a queen size quilt with a single bound. Kate is in her ninth year of teaching nationally; she has helped in John's classes for many years and is now teaching solo. If your guild is interested, contact her at flynnquiltsupport@mcn.net“I was born and raised in south central Montana. I grew up in the quilting world, whether it was tagging along to sewing bees, designing impossible blocks with crayons, or helping people in the Flynn Quilt Frame Booth. I’ve been influenced by so many fantastic quilters and quilt teachers throughout the years. Our family business offered me the opportunity to see quilts and quilters from all around the world from the late 1980’s onward. I have an art degree and, after graduation, I went to work for FQFC full time in the early 2000’s. I have been involved with design and production of our laser cut quilt kits since 2005 and have since taken over that department. In 2015, I started teaching nationally. I have a strong affinity to figure out how things work and how to make them work better for me. My personal passions in quilting are centered on precision machine piecing on my Singer 301a, miniature quilts, and helping others create their quilt visions.”
Kevin Nichols, with his calm manner, can-do attitude and formidable artistic abilities, is our Graphics Guy and trusty over-the-road driver. Well, just part-time; he has a REAL job.
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