Flynn Quilt Frame Company
Home of the Flynn Multi-Frame SystemIn Stock Precut Kits
A few years ago, after much experimentation, John figured out how to cut fabric on the laser. Since then, we have cut thousands and thousands of precut kits for companies like Benartex, Inc., Fons and Porter and Jinny Beyer. We also cut quite a few of instructor Charlotte Angotti’s class kits and kits for quilt shops. John uses precut kits in most of his classes and students love them!We offer many sizes, styles and degrees of difficulty of precut kits. We use first quality fabric and choose very carefully so the kits will be fun to sew and attractive. The kits all feature engineered corners and center registration marks so they are easy to sew with good piecing and pressing instructions.
Most of the precut kits make a small project, with more kits, you can easily make a bed size project. Please call if you need help with sizes. 800 745 3596
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